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How Lizzy Desino's Determination Drives User Success | SS&C Eze

Written by Admin | May, 15 2024

In 2015, Lizzy Desino joined SS&C Eze, then Eze Software, and on her first day, dove headfirst into the world of investment technology support as a member of the product solutions team.  

"I didn't come from the most technical background, but I had just graduated from university, and I was hungry to learn. So, I kept at it, asked questions, and learned as much as possible in those first couple months," says Lizzy. 

Being thrown into the deep end taught Lizzy how well she could swim in uncharted waters. 

What she didn't know then was that for the next eight years, the skills she showed in that early role – a willingness to dive into the unknown and uncover solutions – would be the skills she would rely on to grow her career and be a vital resource for her teams and users of Eze technology.   

From Resistance to Runway: Fueled by a Desire to Make a Difference

In time, a similar client solutions role opened in the new Hong Kong office. While others may have been deterred by the idea of moving alone across the globe, Lizzy, who had studied languages and lived in Shanghai, leaped at the chance to bring her client-focused experience to Asia.   

Initially, she was met with resistance to the idea.  

So, she inquired again, this time asking the CEO. He was supportive but recommended that she wait a few years.   

However, Lizzy firmly believed her experience and product knowledge would benefit Hong Kong's growing customer base. For her, waiting was not an option.    

Eventually, her persistence was rewarded when her boss introduced her to the managing director of the Hong Kong office, who was visiting Boston, and he said yes. 

"At the age of 22, alone with three suitcases and thousands of miles from home, I landed in Hong Kong,” remembers Lizzy. “Everything was new to me, but I felt incredibly proud that my determination had been rewarded. I couldn’t wait to get started.” 

View from The Peak in 2017, shortly after Lizzy moved to Hong Kong

Overcoming Early Hurdles and Learning Through Experience   

Like anyone starting something new, Lizzy had moments of fear and insecurity.    

"In those early days, I was faced with some skepticism that a young person like me could understand the technical questions our users were facing. Those were difficult conversations, and I often felt unsure."   

But for Lizzy, feeling unsure meant she was learning. Before long, her confidence grew as she saw how her hard-won knowledge solved user challenges.  

After successfully leading the client solutions team for a few years, Lizzy was asked to head up the introduction of Eze Eclipse in the APAC region.   

Once again, Lizzy excitedly took on a new challenge, taking ownership of introducing the cloud-based technology to the market while forming a support and implementation team to service the growing number of Eclipse users in the region.    

As she built this new support team, Lizzy shared the wisdom gleaned from her early experiences.  

"When it comes to client service, experience is the best lesson," says Lizzy. “And for someone just starting out, it's not always easy. My advice is to stick with it because challenging times are often when you learn the most important lessons.”  

Lizzy (back row, second from the right) with other leaders at the 2023 Women's Conference in Boston

Knowledge Sharing Enhances Customer Experiences    

After years of embracing the unknown, Lizzy has developed a wealth of knowledge that enables her teams and customers to succeed.   

Still, Lizzy believes there is more to learn and continues to seek out experiences that enhance her knowledge and her team's learning.   

Fortunately for Lizzy and her team, some of the best teachers are the users they support daily.  

"Knowledge sharing with users gives our team a valuable perspective that enhances the service and support we offer our clients," adds Lizzy. "We have some technology users who have worked in the industry for 30 or 40 years. I wanted to find a way to honor and share that knowledge with our teams."   

"We have users come into our offices to talk about the topics that are vital to them," says Lizzy. "They’ve covered areas like particular compliance regulations or asset classes that are unique to the region. Understanding users’ specific concerns builds on our expertise and helps us help them to succeed.” 

Lizzy and Singapore team members at an event in 2023

In other cases, Lizzy and her team visit users' businesses to better understand the nature of their work.   

Today, Lizzy's determination and passion for solving client challenges have propelled her up the service organization. Still, as director of APAC client services, she has not lost the sense of satisfaction she feels when she can help a user.  

"When you work for a service organization, fixing something or making the user happy by delivering the solution is so rewarding; it's what makes the job worthwhile," says Lizzy.   

Lizzy with her family in Hong Kong

Embrace the Unknown: Owning Her Career Growth 

Looking back, Lizzy's willingness to lean into the unknown put her on a path to career success.    

"Growth in my career required the courage to break down barriers and jump into roles where I was doing something brand new," says Lizzy. "But throughout my eight years here, there has always been someone—if not multiple people—within the company giving me advice and reminding me I have what it takes to do this work."   

This insight is valuable, especially for women, who occupy 40% of manager-level roles and only 28% of C-suite positions at the average business – and these numbers can be even lower in fintech.   

Undeterred by this data, Lizzy, always a trailblazer, urges women not to be swayed by statistics but to forge their own paths.    

"My advice for women who want to move into leadership is to be their own statistic and ask for what they deserve," says Lizzy. "I strive to approach every opportunity with confidence, boldness, respect, and patience."   

This balance of qualities, combined with her willingness to take on the unknown, has been a powerful combination, helping Lizzy grow in her role and be a vital resource for her teams and Eze technology users.   

Lizzy and her family at a wedding in Vietnam

A Client-First Approach to Service and Support 

In markets that are changing faster than ever, Lizzy's ability to find solutions in unfamiliar situations defines what makes SS&C Eze a customer-first organization.   

She is part of an experienced global client service and support team of over 500 product experts. Like Lizzy, this team has acquired extensive technical knowledge through years of industry experience, ensuring that every user receives the full benefit of our collective expertise. 

Learn more about the difference our teams' experience makes for our users. Or, see for yourself how SS&C technology helps investment firms get – and stay – ahead.