Eze Blog | SS&C Eze

Designing Your Investment Ecosystem | SS&C Eze

Written by Admin | Apr, 22 2022

We’ve entered a new age of investment technology – the Era of the Investment Ecosystem.

At SS&C Eze, we view the investment ecosystem as a network of solutions connected via an open, vendor-neutral architecture that allows users to tie together workflows across systems and partners into a single, seamless investment experience.

With the right investment ecosystem provider, flexible APIs allow firms to connect with virtually any third-party platform or downstream, internal system to create a customized investment environment covering all their operational needs across the enterprise.

While SS&C Eze’s platforms have always been open, the dawn of this new era marks an acceleration of this trend in the industry at large.

This era is characterized by a few key features:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: One of the top benefits of increased interoperability is enhanced firm and industry collaboration. This increased interconnectivity lends itself to better ideas and more rapid innovation internally and tighter and more advantageous partnerships with external counterparties, extending the capabilities of teams and platforms beyond what was thought possible.
  • A More Customized Technology Experience: Not only does increased optionality lead to a better and more seamless user experience, it gives firms more control and flexibility in customizing their technology experiences to the unique needs and advantages of their firm, allowing them to better capitalize on competitive differentiators.
  • Operational Efficiencies: The investment ecosystem model offers operational benefits beyond what was once thought possible, including time savings, decreased risk, and more unified systems, tools, teams, processes, and data, which fosters a more seamless and efficient work environment. And with plug-and-play frameworks, investment managers can solve the business challenges they face faster.
  • More Unified Data: With increased interoperability comes better and more complete data in a single, connected system, which firms can harness across more capabilities to glean more actionable insights and make better, more informed decisions.


Expanding SS&C Eze’s Investment Management Ecosystem with Eze Marketplace

At SS&C Eze, we pride ourselves on being on the cutting-edge of industry and technological advancements and have long designed our solutions to serve as the hub of firms’ investment operations. Last year, we were thrilled to usher in the Era of the Investment Ecosystem by expanding further upon our investment ecosystem model with the launch of Eze Marketplace.

Eze Marketplace is a cloud-based solution that employs a real-time data sharing architecture to provide secure, plug-and-play access to a host of third-party investment management applications, all from within the Eze Eclipse platform, with plans to make apps available for Eze Investment Suite clients later this year.

Since launch, we’ve been pleased to welcome Marketplace apps from partners like Portfolio Science, which provides clients access to advanced risk management tools, Aiera, which offers real-time capital markets event monitoring tools, and Lightkeeper, which brings firms in-depth portfolio modeling and analytics solutions.

Learn more about SS&C Eze’s Marketplace apps in our directory.

Growing Your Investment Ecosystem: Introducing SS&C Eze’s New Blog Series

As the SS&C Eze investment ecosystem continues to rapidly expand with even more ready-to-enable solutions to help firms elevate their investment processes, we are pleased to introduce a new series on our blog where we’ll welcome members of our FinTech partner network to discuss the challenges investment managers face in the current environment, explore industry insights to help you get ahead, and share how you can design an investment ecosystem that extends the capabilities of your teams and platforms, allows you to capitalize on your key differentiators, improves efficiency, and enables you to make better decisions.

Check out the first post in the series below!

Opening Event Horizons with Eze Marketplace

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If you’d like to grow your investment ecosystem with Eze Marketplace, our rapidly expanding library of ready-to-enable apps and solutions, reach out.

Are you looking to become a marketplace partner? The Eze Marketplace framework enables developers to build solutions that are deeply embedded and interact directly with SS&C Eze platforms. Share your solutions with thousands of buy-side users on Eze Marketplace. Contact us to learn more.